
Service trip with Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in 南达科塔州 explores culture, history

宾州州立大学的学生和宾州州立大学蒙奥图分校的学生前往鹰丘, 南达科塔州 to spend their spring break volunteering with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Lakota Nation as part of the University’s Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trips. 

图片来源:Lilibell Sanchez提供

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — While most students spent their spring break relaxing and enjoying their time off, 九名赌博平台大全的学生奉献了他们的时间为社区服务.  

Students from 宾州州立银行 and Penn State Mont Alto traveled to Eagle Butte, 南达科塔州, to spend their spring break volunteering with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Lakota Nation as part of the University’s Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trips. 


  • 阿玛尔·阿尔福德(一年级,康罗,德克萨斯州) 

  • Aviana Armstead-Collado(三年级,Erdenheim, 宾西法尼亚) 

  • 凯特琳·比利(一年级,德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥) 

  • 凯莉·伯克霍尔德(三年级,宾夕法尼亚州埃弗拉塔) 

  • 妮可·艾森豪尔(新泽西州派恩布鲁克二年级学生) 

  • 乔斯林·埃斯皮诺萨(二年级,布卢姆菲尔德,新泽西州) 

  • Amy Najarro Bojorquez(三年级,康涅狄格州格林威治) 

  • 乔纳森·纽纳姆(一年级,宾夕法尼亚州雷丁) 

  • 安妮·塞特尼特(三年级,宾夕法尼亚州克利夫顿高地) 

赌博平台大全的工作人员塔丽莎·拉莫斯说, 学生事务副主任, 还有莉莉贝尔·桑切斯, 学生领导部副主任, 和乔丹·特劳特一起工作, 蒙特阿尔托大学的学生生活协调员, 组织这次旅行. Traut has a connection with a mentor who is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and invited the two campuses to the reservation.  

“It felt really nice to see two Penn State campuses come together and make something beautiful out of a week-long trip,阿维安娜·阿姆斯特德-克拉多, 心理学专业三年级学生, 共享.  

旅行前, Ramos and Sanchez held information sessions for the 博克斯 students attending to teach them the culture and history of the Lakota Sioux nation so that they were prepared with the proper knowledge going into the experience.  

“We wanted to make sure that the students who were coming on this trip realized the history that has happened to these people that we’re serving,拉莫斯说. “和拉科塔苏族一起工作, this is a community who has experienced a lot of historical traumas and continues to experience discrimination and oppression in the spaces that they’re in. We talked a lot about the respect that we need to have when we’re talking about the social issues that these individuals are facing and who the people who created these circumstances for them are.” 

Students spent the week engaged in activities of learning and service of the Lakota Sioux nation’s culture and history while living on the reservation. Students' volunteer work included working with the Cheyenne River Youth Project, 原生生物数据, 青年马术计划与夏延河游戏和鱼类公园, 部落会议, KIPI广播电台和百马妇女协会. 

具体地说, some of the service projects included creating decorations for the Cheyenne River Youth Project prom, grooming horses and creating a new handbook that features updated information on them for the Youth Horsemanship Program, and working with scientists at 原生生物数据 to research different illnesses present in the water supply. 

“The most rewarding part of being a part of these service sites was getting to know the people,桑切斯说. “They told us about their backgrounds and lives and the struggles they have faced coming from this community.”  

除了服务, the students had opportunities to immerse themselves in the Cheyenne River Tribe’s culture. Members of the tribe invited them to participate in community events including attending a tribal council meeting, 学习传统的拉科塔箍舞和语言, and attending the reservation’s high school basketball team’s tournament sendoff. 

 “One of the biggest takeaways for me was the importance of learning where you came from and who you are — understanding that your family tree is something sacred. This experience reminded me that family is very important,” said Armstead-Collado. 

Kaitelynn蜜蜂, 生命科学专业的一年级学生, 她说这段经历教会了她人际关系的价值. “This trip taught me that we’re all people at the end of the day just trying to help each other have a better life,她说. “相互联系和学习很重要.” 

献给安妮·塞特尼特, 生物专业三年级学生, learning about a culture different from her own inspired her to join the Alternative Spring Break trip. “我学会了对一切都要有耐心,”她说. "One of the Lakota Sioux members taught the kids on the reservation how to stop and focus on one thing at a time, 这让我印象深刻.” 

凯莉•霍尔德, 小学和幼儿教育专业三年级毕业, 分享说,这段经历给她留下了持久的影响. “I made so many great connections with the people from 宾州州立银行 and the Lakota community,她说. 这个保留区在夏天为年轻人开设了马术项目, 我希望明年夏天再去帮忙.” 


The Penn State Alternative Breaks program provides opportunities for students to learn more about themselves, 其他人, 和他们周围的世界通过服务. The program offers service trips throughout the academic year including service weekends, 掉落替代休息, 可选择的寒假, 还有其他的春假. 每个项目都旨在鼓励个人成长和反思, 围绕一个社会问题促进公民参与, 让参与者沉浸在一个新的社区中. 

欲了解更多信息,请联系TaLisa Ramos (电子邮件保护) 或者莉莉贝尔·桑切斯 (电子邮件保护).