

洛丽塔Paff, 赌博平台大全商业与经济学副教授(右), 收到2024米尔顿S. 艾森豪威尔杰出教学奖 from Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi.


WYOMISSING,爸爸. ——洛丽塔·帕夫, 他是赌博平台大全的商业和经济学副教授, 是十大正规赌博平台大全2024年米尔顿. 艾森豪威尔杰出教学奖. 该奖项每年只颁发给两名教员. 这是教职员工所能获得的最高荣誉, 表彰卓越的教学和学生支持.  
帕夫说,只有在她能够与学生建立联系之后,才能教育他们. Many of her students are first-generation students so her initial goal is to make herself relatable and approachable in order to promote a collaborative learning experience. 
“It’s important for students to realize — and healthy for teachers to remember — that today’s expert was yesterday’s novice,帕夫说. “I often share my first-gen experiences as I seek to build community by learning students’ names, 为他们提供相互了解的机会, 促进课堂内外的合作, 当学生缺席时,主动联系他们,鼓励他们去办公室. 这些行为表现出关心,因为许多学生不会关心你知道什么, 或者想学习它,直到他们知道你在乎.” 
Paff said she wants to share her enthusiasm for the subject matter and get students excited about the material. 会计或微观经济学等话题可能看起来很陌生, 所以她说,她的工作是以一种相关的方式应用这个领域. She spurs interest through classroom activities like a cookie market or creating greeting cards to demonstrate core principles in action. She also finds out what students are interested in and adds those selected topics to her lesson plans.  



“When we are interested, we pay closer attention, make more connections and work harder,帕夫说. “我的目标是让所有学生将课程内容与他们的生活经历联系起来.” 
努力使她的学生成为独立的学习者, 她的目标之一, 她说, 是为他们提供在大学里广泛发展所需的工具. 许多是一年级或二年级的学生, 所以她从详细的学习实践开始, 比如学习主题列表, 时间表和练习集. 晚些时候, 她给学生更多的自由,让他们转向学生自己制定的学习计划, 自我评估和同伴反馈. 在她的高级课程中, 她分享了一些关于主题权重的决策, 最后期限, 以及最近对生成式A的使用.I.  
“在, 我力求整合多种手段为学生展示学习, 认识到神经多样性存在于每门课程中,她说. 意识到这个学期的节奏, I avoid exams and major assessments during intellectual lulls and high-stress periods like the week before break or right after THON. 我也会安排学生在临近学期结束时感兴趣的材料, 当动机可能减弱时.”  
因为学习也伴随着挑战, 帕夫说,她用善良来平衡自己的高期望. 她让学生修改提交的作业,这样他们就能从错误中吸取教训. 
“Allowing revised submission supports learning, emphasizing process over product,帕夫说. 这些做法可以提升内在的动力和韧性, 鼓励学生在学习过程中敢于冒险. In this environment, mistakes aren’t failures; they are an integral part of growth and mastery.” 

副校长兼首席学术官Todd Migliaccio表示. 帕夫是一位敬业的教员, 不仅体现在她的教学法上,也体现在她的学生的教育经历上. She is consistently aware that student success is dependent upon her willingness to grow as teacher and implements the best way with which to engage them in the learning process. 她乐于与同事分享她的知识, 让身边的人成为更好的老师, 因为她知道这是一次集体的努力. 她专注于提供 以学习者为中心的教学,在我们的校园之外得到了认可, 这个奖项代表了她作为一名教育工作者给她的工作带来的影响. She truly exemplifies the impactful and important teaching that makes 宾州州立银行 a community of learners.”  
Paff的教学组合突出了六个关键领域:教学创新, 教学的公平和包容, 服务于本科教学, 教学奖学金, 教学发展活动和教学指导.  

提名者表示,帕夫学院采取了个性化的教育方式, 让他们参与到主题中,同时让他们觉得自己是学习过程的一部分. 
“博士最独特的部分. Paff’s teaching was how she allowed each student to personalize their learning throughout the class. Each student was able to choose a topic of personal interest to research through the lens of microeconomic concepts throughout the semester,一位以前的学生说. “Dr. Paff worked with me throughout the semester to help bring my research to life and understand my data. I think a sign of great teaching is when a student leaves the classroom changed: more inspired, 更有见识,更有能力. 我在Dr. 帕夫的课当时和现在对我都有很大的启发和影响, 内部, 在课堂之外.”

帕夫是学院课程反种族主义(AAC)小组的成员. AAC promotes inclusion of race in courses that are not explicitly focused on diversity. 在AAC的指导下, 帕夫整合了反种族主义资源, 数据和原始文献在入门微观经济学中去中心化白色.

Paff has also been recognized with Penn State’s OAER Champion Award for her development and publication of several open-source textbooks.

One of her former students commended Paff’s commitment to providing open access textbooks: “One of the first striking differences in this course was the accessibility of the textbook. Unlike other courses where expensive textbooks often felt disjointed from the curriculum, 《赌博平台大全》是一本免费教材, 作者:Dr. Paff自己. This unique approach ensured a seamless alignment between the textbook content and the course material, 消除了我对所学内容相关性的任何怀疑.” 

Paff has served as founding co-chair of the 宾州州立银行 Learner-Centered Culture Steering Committee, which identifies topics and facilitates two colloquia per semester to advance a learner-centered culture in accordance with the college’s strategic plan. 她也是十大正规赌博平台大全伯克斯学习和教学中心顾问委员会的成员.   
十大正规赌博平台大全外部, Paff has served more than a decade on the Teaching Professor Conference Board and is a reviewer for College Teaching, 一本跨学科的教育学杂志. 
致力于教学, Paff has given numerous conference keynote presentations and facilitated workshops internationally. 最近,她提出了“ChatGPT” & STEM: Teaching strategies to outsmart the robot” at the STEM Educators Online Conference.  
除了, she has authored and co-authored peer-reviewed articles and received several pedagogy-related grants. 
帕夫认真对待自己的导师角色. 除了指导赌博平台大全的同事, 帕夫访问了岘港的duytan大学, Vietnam as part of a pedagogy collaboration with 宾州州立银行 during the summers of 2011 and 2012. 在这个培训师/教师指导计划中, 她会见了教授微观经济学的教师, 财务会计, and financial statement analysis courses to promote the use of active learning strategies.  
关于弥尔顿S. 艾森豪威尔杰出教学奖  
成立于1992年的米尔顿S. 艾森豪威尔杰出教学奖 is presented to just one faculty member at all of Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses and one faculty member at University Park. It is the highest award that a faculty member can receive and it recognizes excellence in teaching and student support among tenured faculty who have been employed full time for at least five years with undergraduate teaching as a major portion of their duties. 弥尔顿年代. 艾森豪威尔,前美国总统的兄弟.S. 德怀特·D总统. 艾森豪威尔于1950年至1956年担任十大正规赌博平台大全校长. 
帕夫是第四位获得该奖项的十大正规赌博平台大全博克学院教授. 过去的获奖者包括布兰达·拉塞尔, professor of psychology; Ike Shibley, 化学副教授, 和Maryellen Weimer, 语言传播学名誉教授.